Monday, October 27, 2008

26th Oct
Is my birthday.
A bottle of Chivas,
A jar of Illusion,
glasses of magarita.
Turned me like the photo above!
Thanks San for the illusion.
Thanks Thomas & Lucas for the cake.
Thanks Thomas for the two bonquets of roses.
(Sorry that they only lasts for ten minutes,
u knew I was fucking drunk)
Thanks QMA 999 for the dinner.
Thanks Nengs for the Levi's jeans.
Thanks Sasa for the Levi's belt.
Thanks Chen for the lunch.
For the reason that even myself oso dunno is what,
I do not feel happy at all this year.
sorry to say that.
My blog is used to be sad blog so just let it be.
I got 41mails today.
all wishes from friends in frenster and facebook.
A number of sms.
Anyway thank you all very much.
I have marked your words!!!

Uncle Thomas Bday!
The eldest close friend in my life!
He is one round older than my Da Jie Jie mengs.
Is his bday on 23th.
Party on 24th.
Location : RexBox ShangHai
Photo above is the LCD screen for Karaoke!
Big enough?
even no wear spec,
i still can read the words on it.

The SOFA~~
Fucking class and big the room!!
can fill 30 plus people i guess.

Another corner of the room.
the pool table.!!
I love this game a lot!

Another view of the sofa

We drank 8 boxes of beer.
Three bottles of Golden Blue.
One bottle of Chivas.
About 5 sticks of REAL CIGAR!
costs my Big Fren rm2k++
6+am the party ends.

Friday, October 24, 2008

When I was on my home.
Rain dropping heavily.
Car was playing songs.
I saw a girl walking under the rain.
I slow down and looked at her.
She looked sad.
Rain could only hidden her tears.
But not the sadness of her face.
The pain on her heart.
Girl, I hope you are fine.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy
"IF I were a Boy"
A song introduced by Ning.
Dedicated for her as well..

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Love You
For me, there are the three words that I hardly to say it out.
It took me months to tell the one that "I Love You".
When I say it means I really meant it.
I Do Not how to say I Love You.
"That's the one"
The sentence that I kept in my heart
when I meet my friend.
Heart is feeling pain.
Broken into pieces and pieces.
Combine it up,
The scar is still there.
How would I show it to you?
Are you the one,
or I haven meet the one?
How deep is the love?
Where is the inner part of you are still hiding there?
Why are you still there?
Where am I?
I do not know how to face you more.
Wishes truly from my heart to you.
Please give me the last chance,
to tell you that

I Love You.

Indian Wei
For your information,
the green green thing on my head,
Muk Muk.
2 little long pillow.
It has been with me 20years.
They smell nice!
I always use one of it to cover my eyes
and another i will hold & hug tight tight
Living like a Batman now.
So hard to find a companion.
Brain start running again.
"It seems like history is replaying,
I'm back to 4 years ago,
If the god is hinting that,
same thing I need to go through again,
means I do not learn from the ex lesson."
4 years ago, I had this feelings.
4 years after, the feelings is back.
If go after, need to slow, really slow.
If give up, Regret might be happened.
because I WANT IT.
I FOUND IT from a million
-Sounds near but seems far-
Steps is not taken,
Regrets will visit me.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Princess Pipi
a Yellowish cat.

Friday, I visited her.
I talked to her.
I hugged her.
Kissed her.
I miss her right now.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hey guys,
I am having the mood of blogging.
At this moment,
I should be lying on my bed and sleep
but i refuse to for the sake of no reason.
Should I said I am drunken?
I am not ofcourse coz I am still typing here.
I start loving the feeling of vomit,
after vomit, I am much clearer.
I love to club recently.
After being months of royal customer to club
EG: balcony, rex box, thai bar, vegas, fire, coco, island etc.
My level is super up!!!
Can imagine a gang of ten drank almost 3-5 boxes of beer?
I guess I am going to have sore throat soon.
Since when Loo Ko Vui has become to this?
When will Loo Ko Vui found what Loo Ko Vui is exactly is?
I guess Loo Ko Vui has totally lost until Loo Ko Vui found you..
The one who always bring Loo Ko Vui happiness.
Cheers Loo Ko Vui up when the sky is dropping.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm really exhausted.
Lack of sleep.
Facing all the numbers,
rolling up and down,
clicking in and out,
morning glory wake up,
the sun smiling at me.
The times was tic tat"ing" quickly,
facing moments of happiness,
and disappointment.
I could only have my rest at 7am.
A whole night work is not profitable.
But, I learned a lot.

I need to grab some rest.
Hope I able to attend tml 8am class.
Only because of,
my final of this subject is on


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Long path to go.
The end of the road is dark.
By holding your hand,
I will never feel alone.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A simple dinner with Nengs
at "Little China Town"
(not really sure the name)
Is Bao Ching's Bday.

緣 . . .
從前有個書生 , 和未婚妻約好在某年某月某日結婚 .
到那一天 , 未婚妻卻嫁給了別人 . 書生受此打擊 , 一病不起 . 家人用盡各種辦法都無能為力 , 眼看奄奄一息 .
這時 , 路過一游方僧人 , 得知情況 , 決定點化一下他 .
僧人到他床前 , 從懷裡摸出一面鏡子叫書生看 . 書生看到茫茫大海 ,
一名遇害的女子一絲不掛地躺在海灘上 . 路過一人 , 看一眼 , 搖搖頭 , 走了 ....
又路過一人 , 將衣服脫下 , 給女屍蓋上 , 走了 ....
再路過一人 , 過去 , 挖個坑 , 小心翼翼把屍體掩埋了 ............
疑惑間 , 畫面切換 . 書生看到自己的未婚妻 .
洞房花燭 , 被她丈夫掀起蓋頭的瞬間 ...
書生不明所以 . 僧人解釋道 , 那具海灘上的女屍 , 就是你未婚妻的前世 .
你是第 2 個路過的人 , 曾給過他一件衣服 . 她今生和你相戀 ,
只為還你一個情 . 但是她最終要報答一生一世的人 , 是最後那個把她掩埋的人 ,
那人就是他現在的丈夫 .
書生大悟 , 唰地從床上做起 , 病癒 !
也許 , 她來到這個世界上 , 就是為了還我一片情吧 ..
她做完了她想做的事 , 就走了 .
緣這個東西 , 是最不可思議的 .
電影 ' 不見不散 ' 的主題歌這樣唱道 : ' 這世界說大就大 , 說小就小 . 就算是我們今生的約定 , 也要用一生去尋找 ....
' 緣分這東西不可強求 . 該你的 , 早晚是你的 : 不該你的 , 怎麼努力 , 也得不到 .
但無論任何時候 , 我們都不要絕望 . 不要放棄自己對真 , 善 , 美的愛情追求 .
人生的價值 , 在某種意義上講 , 就是愛和被愛的成熟 . 當真愛來臨 , 如果也就成熟了 .
隨緣 ............  
隨意 ............ ...   
隨遇 ..........    
隨喜 ...........

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby is sent to Snow Wash.
It has been one month no clean her.
She is full of dust & one of her eye broken.
Wow..see the snow snow snow!!

In the process of vaccum. Lap"ing"
After that, turned to tung sen to change the light bulb.
Car is prepared well.
After I am prepared well,
I head to Imperial Hotel.
"Sexy Night"
No much photos taken.

Me and Bao Ching HOT!

Elaine & Michelle WOOT!
After this dinner, headed Balcony to sign attendance.
Wow..Last night~

Friday, October 10, 2008

Smiles has been taken.
Is just wrong timing.

Kai Xing Guo,
Dui Bu Qi

Thursday, October 9, 2008

*Soho Night*
Nice interior design,
Nice environment,
Nice foods ( Heard from Fren ),
Cheaper price of drinks.
Above, Shiang Ann.
Ann Ann.
A friend that I knew when I was in kindergarden.
Imagine how many years??
A tipsy gal after ONLY one bottle of beer.
Also another gal Judy,
Photo is taken.
But to protect her image,
is better not to upload it.
Introduce to you guys again next time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

> 总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担,
> 你终於不再孤单了,至少有一个人想著你、恋著你,
> 不论做什么事情,
> 只要能一起,就是好的,
> 但是慢慢的,随著彼此的认识愈深,
> 你开始发现了对方的缺点,
> 於是问题一个接著一个发生,
> 你开始烦、累,甚至想要逃避,
> 有人说爱情就像在捡石头,
> 总想捡到一个适合自己的,
> 但是你又如何知道什么时候能够捡到呢?
> *她适合你,那你又适合她吗?
> 其实,爱情就像磨石子一样,
> 或许刚捡到的时候,你不是那么的满意,
> 但是记住人是有弹性的,
> 很多事情是可以改变的,
> 只要你有心、有勇气,
> 与其到处去捡未知的石头,
> 还不如好好的将自己已经拥有的石头磨亮磨,你开始磨了吗?
> 很多人以为是因为感情淡了,
> 所以人才会变得懒惰。
> 错!
> 其实是人先被惰性征服,
> 所以感情才会变淡的。
> *在某个聚餐的场合, 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好,
> 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆还是我的女朋友的时候
> 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了
> *听到了吗?明白了吗?
> 难怪越来越多人只想要谈一辈子的恋爱,却迟迟不肯走入婚姻。
> 因为,婚姻容易让人变得懒惰。
> 如果每个人都
> 懒得讲话、
> 懒得倾听、
> 懒得制造惊喜、
> 懒得温柔体贴,
> 那么夫妻或是情人之间,
> 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢?
> 所以请记住:
> 有活力的爱情,
> 是需要适度殷勤灌溉的,
> 谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒的喔!
> *有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延
误了, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟到了30多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说:
> 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等你了! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃了, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了
> *同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友说:我想你一定忙坏了
> 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪了, 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。
> 你体会到了吗?
> *其实爱、恨往往只是在我们的一念之间!
> 爱不仅要懂得宽容更要及时, 很多事可能只是在於你心境的转变罢了!
> 懂了吗?
> 当有个人爱上你,而你也觉得他不错。
> 那并不代表你会选择他。
> *我们总说:我要找一个你很爱很爱的人,才会谈恋爱。
> 但是当对方问你,怎样才算是很爱很爱的时候,
> 你可能无法回答他,因为你自己也不知道。
> *没错,我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。
> 可是後来,当我们猛然回首,我们才会发觉自己曾经多么天真。
> 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?
> 其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的。
> 或许每个人都希望能够找到自己心目中百分之百的伴侣,
> 但是你有没有想过在你身边会不会早已经有人默默对你付出很久了
,只是你没发 觉而已呢?
> 所以,还是仔细看看身边的人吧!
> 他或许已经等你很久喽!
> *当你爱一个人的时候,爱到八分绝对刚刚好。
> 所有的期待和希望都只有七八分;剩下两三分用来爱自己。
> 如果你还继续爱得更多,很可能会给对方沉重的压力
,让彼此喘不过气来, 完全丧失了爱情的乐趣。
> *所以请记住,
> 喝酒不要超过六分醉,
> 吃饭不要超过七分饱,
> 爱一个人不要超过八分
> *那天朋友问我:到底该怎么做才算是爱一个人呢?
> 我笑著跟他说:其实每个人的爱情观都不一样,说对了叫开导
> *如果你也正在为爱迷惘,或许下面这段话可以给你一些启示:
> 爱一个人,要了解,也要开解;
> 要道歉,也要道谢;
> 要认错,也要改错;
> 要体贴,也要体谅;
> 是接受,而不是忍受;
> 是宽容,而不是纵容;
> 是支持,而不是支配;
> 是慰问,而不是质问;
> 是倾诉,而不是控诉;
> 是难忘,而不是遗忘;
> 是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代;
> 是为对方默默祈求,
> 而不是向对方诸多要求;
> 可以浪漫,但不要浪费;
> 可以随时牵手,但不要随便分手。

Copied from email.

Monday, October 6, 2008

That's what I am now.
Uncontrollable one.
Do not judge me.
Do not doubt me.
Take me or Leave me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Cause I never thought I did feel all the things,
you made me feel wasn't looking for someone,
until I found you."
just one hit of you,
now I am addicted.
You never know what is missing,
till you get everything you needed.

Fairy tale

I am impressed of the sentences
"When everyone is building a dream for you, I wish to let you see the real world"

Once upon a time,
There is a princess sleeping on the grass.
There is a prince who admire princess,
staring at her everyday, every moment.
But the princess never realize he is there.
Prince feeling so happy to see princess sleeping with smiles on her face.
Prince feels satisfy to see princess is having a happy life.
Is about the time princess need to back to her castle,
if not she will get scolded by the King.
Prince wants to wake princess up from her dream,
but he is could not.
He hopes princess can continue sleeping,
since he never capture the happy and sweet faces of princess.
He hopes to wake princess out of the dream,
to avoid princess get King mad of her.