Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hey guys,
I am having the mood of blogging.
At this moment,
I should be lying on my bed and sleep
but i refuse to for the sake of no reason.
Should I said I am drunken?
I am not ofcourse coz I am still typing here.
I start loving the feeling of vomit,
after vomit, I am much clearer.
I love to club recently.
After being months of royal customer to club
EG: balcony, rex box, thai bar, vegas, fire, coco, island etc.
My level is super up!!!
Can imagine a gang of ten drank almost 3-5 boxes of beer?
I guess I am going to have sore throat soon.
Since when Loo Ko Vui has become to this?
When will Loo Ko Vui found what Loo Ko Vui is exactly is?
I guess Loo Ko Vui has totally lost until Loo Ko Vui found you..
The one who always bring Loo Ko Vui happiness.
Cheers Loo Ko Vui up when the sky is dropping.

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