Monday, November 3, 2008

I am here cause of some particular words
which might make me damn emo, it might be my sensitivity.
yea, my extreme is as famous as Edison's sex photos n videos.
The way to control my extremeness is not to be so sensitive everytime.
But somehow is people do not know me well.
Sick of doing explanations. Feeling myself so fake with the masks.
Once again, I might hurt you of my words but I confirm I have no intentions
yea, thanks for those who knows me well.
Maybe only one or two people??
yes, I have my attitude problem.
But everyone is ain't prefect.
If you cant take me, please leave me.
At least I know myself well that I ever treat u as a close friend.
After that day, I am really totally disappointed already.
I do not know what is the point?
Is because I ever did those for you,
and when I do not got something back from you,
so I was being upset?
Or I am sick of being treated as invisible?

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